Dextromethorphan Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs, and Detoxification

Dextromethorphan withdrawal doesn’t usually affect people who are using this medication for its intended purpose but can be a problem for those who abuse this over-the-counter drug. The drug is found as an active ingredient in cough suppressant medication and works by affecting the brain signals that trigger coughs. Some people take excessive doses of cough medicine or use a powdered form of dextromethorphan to get high.

There is a high potential for abuse or addiction when taking dextromethorphan recreationally. Dextromethorphan users may develop tolerance to the drug, which means that they require more and more of it as time goes on in order to get the same effect that a small amount once caused.

Symptoms and Signs of Dextromethorphan Withdrawal

Someone who has been using dextromethorphan to get high may experience withdrawal symptoms when he or she stops taking the drug. Restlessness and insomnia are common withdrawal symptoms. The affected individual may also experience bone or muscle aches. Other signs and symptoms of dextromethorphan withdrawal include cold flashes, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The dextromethorphan user may also lose a significant amount of weight while going through withdrawal. Cravings for dextromethorphan can also occur during the withdrawal phase. The amount and severity of dextromethorphan withdrawal symptoms depend on both the physiology of the individual and how much or how often he or she took the drug.

Symptoms of dextromethorphan withdrawal are not dangerous or deadly, but they can be extremely uncomfortable. Some users find it difficult to stop using dextromethorphan because the temptation to take a small amount of the drug to stop the withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to resist.

How Long Do Dextromethorphan Withdrawals Last?

The withdrawal timeline for dextromethorphan will vary from person to person. The duration can last anywhere from several weeks to several months depending on how long a person has been using dextromethorphan and how much of the drug was in their system. In general, the length of withdrawal lasts a few weeks before the symptoms start to disappear.

Are There any Home Remedies for Getting Clean Safely?

While it is possible to detox at home from dextromethorphan, it can sometimes be very dangerous. If the user has overdosed, they will need to seek immediate medical attention to have their stomach pumped and treated for possible liver failure. Some people believe that drinking large amounts of water or taking laxatives create some sort of home remedy relief; this, however, can only increase the effects of liver damage and will not ease pain in any way. There are also natural and alternative detox centers that can help relieve withdrawal symptoms if that appeals to the user.

Detoxing from Dextromethorphan

Dextromethorphan withdrawal treatment can be done on an inpatient basis at a rehab center or hospital. This is often a good option for people who do not have strong support from family or friends during the treatment process because it removes the user from situations where he or she would be tempted to use the drug again.

Alternately, someone who wants to stop using dextromethorphan may choose to attend an outpatient program. An outpatient program is often a good choice for people who are not experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms and who must maintain other work or family commitments during the course of treatment.

Treatment to help a patient through the withdrawal phase is called detoxification, and it is only the first step in the full process of recovery from dextromethorphan abuse or addiction. The detoxification step usually only takes a few days to a few weeks, but once it is complete, the patient will need to continue with addiction recovery in order to successfully overcome the addiction and remain clean and sober over the long term.

How Long Does it Take to Detox from Dextromethorphan?

It generally takes between 24-72 hours for dextromethorphan to leave the body’s system. After the body has physically detoxed the body will go through withdrawal symptoms that can last several weeks and can be traumatic enough that the user may need to seek help from a professional program. Seek for various options in your area.

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 Treatment After Dextromethorphan Detox

The long-term treatment process that takes place after detoxification from dextromethorphan may actually begin while detoxification is still in progress. This long-term treatment program can also be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Some users choose to attend an inpatient program for the withdrawal phase and switch to outpatient services for the remainder of treatment.

During this follow-up phase of treatment, the former user typically attends individual or group counseling sessions. During these sessions, the individual will discuss and examine the reasons behind the initial drug use to working out any underlying psychological issues that may lead to a relapse.

Another aspect of dextromethorphan addiction treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy. During this type of therapy session, a trained counselor will teach the recovering user how to form new habits to replace the old habits of drug use. The former user will also learn specific techniques to use when faced with the temptation to start using dextromethorphan again.

Some drug treatment programs that handle dextromethorphan addicts and abusers may also use other methods to help aid in recovery. Some recovering addicts find it helpful to participate in a 12-step program, which provides valuable peer support during the recovery process.

Other clinics or centers offer holistic or alternative methods, including acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, meditation, reflexology, traditional herbal medicine, and homeopathy. If a dextromethorphan abuser or addict is also abusing other drugs or alcohol, he or she must be treated for this problem as well. Detoxification and treatment for alcohol or drug addiction or abuse can take place simultaneously with dextromethorphan withdrawal treatment.


More about Detroxmethorphan:

Dextromethorphan Information at a Glance
Medication Name, Costs Class of Medicine
  • Generic Name: dextromethorphan
  • Generic Name Variations: n/a
  • Chemical Name: dextromethorphan hydrobromide
  • Brand Name: Robotusssin, DM,
  • Brand Name Variations:n/a
  • Cost/Price: vares
  • Used to Treat Addiction? no
  • Function or Use at Low Dose: varies
  • Function or Use at High Dose: varies
  • Chemical Makeup: C18H25NO
  • System: n/a
  • Duration of Action: several hours
Form, Intake and Dosage Interactions and Complications
  • Drug Forms: liquid, gel tablets, syrup, and spray
  • Administration Routes: ingested orally
  • Dosage: varies
  • Overdose: more than suggested amount or taken more often than recommended
  • Alcohol Interaction: alcohol increases the effect of dextromethorphan
  • Illicit Drugs: increases effects of dextromethorphan
  • Prescription Medications: increases effects of dextromethorphan
  • Contraindications: n/a
Effects and Adverse Reactions Substance Abuse
  • Short-Term: drowsiness, excitement, nausea
  • Long-Term: sweating, fever, hypertension, diarrhea, dilated pupils, sweating, liver damage
  • Risk of Substance Abuse: moderate
  • Signs of Abuse: hallucinations, disconnect from family and friends, loss of appetite,
Physiological Problem Signs and Symptoms Dependence and Addiction Issues
  • Withdrawal Syndrome Onset: Usually 1-72 hours after the last dosage
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: shakes, sweats, hallucinations, depression
  • Tolerance: Tolerance can be built up and creates ‘plateaus’ of tolerance and side effects
  • Cross Dependence: not common
  • Physical Dependence: n/a
  • Psychological Dependence: moderate
Legal Schedules and Ratings
  • Controlled Substances Act Rating: dextromethorphan is not currently on the controlled substance act rating


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