Lorcet Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs and Detoxification

Lorcet is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Though acetaminophen withdrawal is usually extremely mild, Lorcet withdrawal is best undergone with the help of a rehab or detox center. Hydrocodone is usually prescribed for severe or moderate pain. Acetaminophen is available without a prescription and has mild pain-reducing properties.

However, when the two drugs are combined, the acetaminophen greatly increases the potency of the hydrocodone. Combinations of these two drugs are sold under the brand names Lorcet, Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, and Zydone. Hydrocodone is frequently abused and can lead to serious long-term consequences.

Side Effects of Lorcet

If you have been prescribed Lorcet for an injury or pain-causing illness, the drug should significantly reduce that pain. Lorcet can also cause dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness, and vomiting. Lorcet can cause missed periods or unusual periods in women and reduced testosterone output in both genders. Lorcet can sometimes produce feelings of euphoria. If Lorcet is taken with alcohol, sedation and sleepiness can escalate to the point of being dangerous. Hydrocodone is an antitussive, meaning it reduces coughing. Occasionally, Lorcet ingestion can produce rashes, itchiness, inability to urinate, breathing difficulties, or accelerated heartbeat. If this happens, it is important to call your doctor.

Overexposure to Acetominophen

Overexposure to acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, is one of the dangers of long-term abuse of Lorcet. Since acetaminophen is metabolized in the liver, taking large amounts of it over a lengthy period can result in liver damage. If you frequently take Lorcet and notice symptoms of liver impairment, including yellowing of the eyes or excessive sweating, you must get help immediately.

Lorcet Addiction

If your primary daily concern is obtaining or taking Lorcet, you a probably addicted. You also may be addicted if you lie to get Lorcet, if you hide or feel guilty about your Lorcet use, or if you give up activities that once were important to you in order to get Lorcet. If you feel much more anxious or euphoric than usual, that is also a sign of addiction. Constipation, inability to concentrate, abdominal pain, inability to urinate, and constant drowsiness are also symptoms of Lorcet addiction.

Lorcet Overdose

Hydrocodone overdose is characterized by overwhelming fatigue, labored breathing, and constricted pupils. If hydrocodone overdose is suspected, it is important to get emergency medical treatment. Very small pupils, in particular, are a red flag for Lorcet overdose.

Withdrawing from Lorcet: Options for Help

Lorcet withdrawal symptoms include perspiration, chills, tremors, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. Sometimes the symptoms of Lorcet withdrawal can be minimized by drug replacement therapy. Taking methadone, diamorphine, or buprenorphine can help offset symptoms, as well.

Detoxing, Addiction Treatment Rehab and Recovery

It is best to use a diverse treatment approach when recovering from Lorcet addiction. Lorcet withdrawal treatment is one part of that treatment approach, and it should include a combination of reduced Lorcet dosage and drug replacement therapy. Psychotherapy is also an important part of the Lorcet treatment process, and it should address the underlying cause of the addiction and ways to avoid becoming addicted again. You should evaluate whether an inpatient or outpatient treatment program is best for you. Though outpatient programs are more flexible and allow you to fulfill your work and personal obligations, inpatient programs remove all temptation to abuse the drug during recovery.

Lorcet Information at a Glance
Medication Name, Costs Class of Medicine
  • Generic Name: Acetaminophen, hydrocodone bitartrate
  • Generic Name Variations: N/A
  • Chemical Name: N/A
  • Brand Name: Lorcet
  • Brand Name Variations: Lorcet Plus
  • Cost/Price: $60/30 tablets
  • Used to Treat Addiction? No
  • Function or Use at Low Dose: Mild pain relief
  • Function or Use at High Dose: Severe pain relief
  • Chemical Makeup: C18H21NO3
  • System: Narcotic Analgesic
  • Duration of Action: 6 to 8 hours
Form, Intake and Dosage Interactions and Complications
  • Drug Forms: Tablet, capsule
  • Administration Routes: Oral
  • Dosage: 1 tab/4 to 6 hours
  • Overdose: Exceeding 7 tablets/day
  • Alcohol Interaction: Increased depressive effects
  • Illicit Drugs: N/A
  • Prescription Medications: Increased depressive effects when taken with Narcotic analgesics, CNS depressants, and antianxiety medications
  • Contraindications: Chronic respiratory diseases, hypersensitivity to hydrocodone
Effects and Adverse Reactions Substance Abuse
  • Short-Term: Dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, mental cloudiness
  • Long-Term: Acute liver failure, dependence
  • Risk of Substance Abuse: High
  • Signs of Abuse: Increased mental cloudiness and confusion, increased sedation, chronic fatigue
Physiological Problem Signs and Symptoms Dependence and Addiction Issues
  • Withdrawal Syndrome Onset: 10 to 20 hours after the last dose
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Anxiety, shakiness, tremors, nausea, vomiting
  • Tolerance: Users may develop a tolerance.
  • Cross Dependence: N/A
  • Physical Dependence: High possibility
  • Psychological Dependence: High possibility
Legal Schedules and Ratings
  • Controlled Substances Act Rating: Schedule II


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