Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs and Detoxification

With the major emphasis placed on excelling at sports, steroid addiction is a common problem in today’s society. This isn’t a problem to be ashamed of, but it is a problem that needs help. Because of the risk of steroid withdrawal, you can’t just stop taking steroids suddenly if your body has become accustomed to taking them. Steroid addiction occurs any time that someone is using steroids without a valid medical reason to use the drugs.

There are two main types of steroids that are abused: anabolic steroids and corticosteroids. On the street, steroids are sometimes called:

  • Juice
  • Pumpers
  • Stackers
  • Arnolds
  • Gym candy
  • Weight trainers

While there are some differences in the manner in which each type of steroid works, the symptoms, consequences, withdrawal, treatment, and detox are the same for both types. If you or someone you love is using steroids without a valid medical condition, contact the 24-hour hotline at to help you find help to detox and treat a steroid addiction.

Signs of Steroid Abuse

A person who is abusing steroids will likely gain weight due to the increased appetite associated with steroid use. Delusions, jealousy, mood swings, aggression, and irritability are some of the common psychological signs of steroid abuse.

A man abusing steroids may notice that his testicles shrink. He may suffer from prolonged and painful erections. He may develop breasts, go bald and suffer from infertility.

A woman abusing steroids may notice sudden unwanted facial hair growth, male pattern baldness, shrinking breasts, and a more masculine voice. Her menstrual cycle may become irregular or stop altogether, and her clitoris is likely to become enlarged.


Withdrawing from Steroids: Options for Help

When a person addicted to steroids decides to stop using them, the help of an experienced medical professional is needed. In most cases, an endocrinologist is the best option for help. With regular and prolonged use, the abuser’s body gets accustomed to the steroids.

For this reason, steroid withdrawal in a controlled and supervised environment is ideal. In most cases, the abuser will be weaned off of the drugs during the withdrawal period. This is done by gradually tapering down the number of steroids used per day.

This steroid withdrawal treatment method is the most common method, which is also the most likely to keep the steroids withdrawal symptoms during the detox phase to a minimum. Some of the most common symptoms, which are manageable in the controlled environment, include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness

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Detoxing, Addiction Treatment Rehab and Recovery

Once the abuser has detoxed from the steroids, the treatment, rehab and recovery phases begin. All of these phases work together to ready the recovering addict to live a normal life without relying on the steroids.

During the treatment phase, the recovering addict works with mental health professionals to uncover the reasons for the abuse. In most cases, these will usually be related to problems with self-esteem or body image.

During the rehab phase, the recovering addict learns how to cope with the reasons why he or she began to use steroids. Healthy eating methods and exercise methods are usually covered during this phase.

The recovery phase occurs when the recovering addict is completely over the steroid withdrawal symptoms and is able to slowly reintegrate into society as a functional member. Even during this phase, the recovering addict is likely to need a strong support system to stay clean.

Steroid Information at a Glance
Form, Intake, and Dosage Interactions and Complications
  • Drug Forms: Pills, Serums, Capsules, Oral suspension
  • Administration Routes: Orally administered, injected
  • Dosage: Varies depending on product
  • Overdose: Varies depending on product
  • Alcohol Interaction: Stress on the liver and other organs
  • Illicit Drugs: N/A
  • Illicit Drugs: N/A
  • Contraindications: N/A
Effects and Adverse Reactions Substance Abuse
  • Short-Term: Increased aggression, inhibition of natural hormones, high cholesterol
  • Long-Term: Liver damage, Gynecomastia, Cardiovascular problems
  • Risk of Substance Abuse: Medium to High
  • Signs of Abuse: Increased aggression, irregular increase in muscle mass
Physiological Problem Signs and Symptoms Dependence and Addiction Issues
  • Withdrawal Syndrome Onset: 24-48 hours
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: nausea, weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal pain
  • Tolerance: Users may develop tolerance over time
  • Cross Dependence: N/A
  • Physical Dependence: High possibility
  • Psychological Dependence: High possibility
Legal Schedules and Ratings
  • Controlled Substances Act Rating: Schedule III


Questions and Answers (FAQ)

How Long Do Steroid Withdrawals Last?

Depending on the duration of usage, the length of each steroid user’s withdrawal timeline will be different. Patients should taper off their use of steroids; this will help to minimize their side effects.

Are There any Home Remedies for Getting Clean Safely?

There are no known home remedies for steroid withdrawal symptoms. People who are seeking relief from withdrawal symptoms should seek medical help in order to get information about how to properly ease off of the medication. Alternative detox methods can affect your body’s natural hormone production.

How Long Does it Take to Detox from Steroids?

Initial detox takes several weeks or months because of the interrupted hormone production. Professional assistance is the only way to ensure that you or your loved one will safely recover.

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